Your real name is preferred but not necessary. Joe or Jane Doe will work
First Name
Last Name
Children's Ages
Please list your minor children's ages.
Select below the closest description of the community you serve in now.
Rural / small town
Medium size town - 30-50,000
Large town - 50-80,000
Small city - 80-150,000
Medium city 150-250,000
Suburb of medium city
Large city - 250-500,000
Suburb of large city
Major metro area - > 1 million
Suburb of major metro area
Why Medicine
Why did you go into medicine?
Business Education
What kind of business training do you currently have? Check all that apply.
Employer / Affiliate provided training - specific job related (e.g. Horty Springer; Peer Review; Risk Management / Compliance; Quality; Planning)
Employer / Affiliate provided training - general in nature (e.g. - Finance; Leadership; Accounting; Marketing)
AAPL / ACPE; ACHE; Local/Regional College courses - general business in nature
Working on completion of defined program - CPE, MBA, MMM, MPH, etc
Completed program of study - CPE, MBA, MMM, MPH, etc
Please describe the organization where you work.
Reasons for Change
What issues / concerns / forces led you to take on a managerial role? (Check all that apply)
Dissatisfied with clinical medicine
Opportunity to "do more" in leadership
Greater financial reward
Organization's need / no one else to do it
Doubted clinically skills / knowledge now or in future
Fascinated by initial leader training
Disappointed by non-clinical leaders - felt I could do better
Other Reasons for Change
Describe anything not included above that contributed to your decision to take on a management role.
Reasons to not Change
What concerns do you have that tend to keep you in patient care? (Check all that apply)
No / little opportunities in current organization
Not sure I'm very good at it - too new in current position
Love of patient care
Commitment to patients / staff / coworkers
Fear the loss of clinical skills
Eventual loss of Board Certification / makes move permanent
Financially less rewarding than patient care
Loss of mobility due to loss of Certification +/or license
Loss of credibility with practicing physicians
Other Reasons to not change
Describe anything not included above that contributes (or did if already full-time) to your concern about decreasing / ending patient care.